Apostolos Andreas Monastery
Apostolos Andreas Monastery 1
Apostolos Andreas Monastery 2
Apostolos Andreas Monastery 3
Apostolos Andreas Monastery Market
Apostolos Andreas Monastery 4
Apostolos Andreas Monastery Drone view
Apostolos Andreas Monastery view
Famagusta old town 1
Famagusta old town 2
Famagusta old town 3
Famagusta old town 4

Tour details

  • First stop: Monastery of Equal-to-the-Apostles Andrew the First-Called
  • Second stop: Lunch Time
  • Third stop: Famagusta in the old town
What you should know about the Monastery
  • The Monastery of Equal-to-the-Apostles Andrew the First-Called, nestled in the idyllic Karpasia region of northeastern Cyprus, is a haven of historical and spiritual significance. Dedicated to Saint Andrew, the first-called Apostle of Jesus Christ, this Byzantine-style monastery offers visitors a glimpse into Cyprus's rich religious heritage. The monastery's architectural beauty, adorned with intricate religious artwork, surrounds a central church, where ancient manuscripts, icons, and relics are displayed. It serves as a place of worship, pilgrimage, and cultural exploration for both local devotees and global tourists.
  • Beyond its spiritual allure, the Monastery of St. Andrew is embraced by the breathtaking natural landscape of the Karpasia Peninsula, affording visitors stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea. It offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the island's history, culture, and traditions while enjoying a scenic drive through the unspoiled countryside. For tourists seeking both spiritual and natural beauty, this hidden gem in Cyprus offers a memorable and enriching experience.


Passengers Price
1-4 250€ Select
5-7 280€ Select
8-11 420€ Select